Error Handling
Comprehensive guide to error handling in ShipKit
Error Handling
This guide covers ShipKit's error handling system, which provides consistent error management across the application.
Error Services
Error Service
The core error handling service provides standardized error creation and handling:
// src/server/services/error-service.ts
export type ErrorCode =
export interface AppError extends Error {
code: ErrorCode;
message: string;
cause?: unknown;
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
export class ErrorService {
static createError(
code: ErrorCode,
message: string,
cause?: unknown,
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>,
): AppError {
const error = new Error(message) as AppError;
error.code = code;
error.cause = cause;
error.metadata = metadata;
return error;
static handleError(error: unknown): AppError {
if (ErrorService.isAppError(error)) {
logger.error(error.message, {
code: error.code,
cause: error.cause,
metadata: error.metadata,
return error;
if (error instanceof Error) {
const appError = ErrorService.createError(
logger.error(error.message, {
code: appError.code,
cause: error,
return appError;
const appError = ErrorService.createError(
"An unexpected error occurred",
logger.error("Unknown error", { error });
return appError;
Validation Service
Handles form and data validation errors:
// src/server/services/validation-service.ts
export interface ValidationError {
message: string;
fieldErrors?: Record<string, string[]>;
export interface ValidationResult<T> {
success: boolean;
data?: T;
error?: ValidationError;
export class ValidationService {
static async validate<T>(
schema: z.ZodType<T>,
data: unknown,
): Promise<ValidationResult<T>> {
try {
const validatedData = await schema.parseAsync(data);
return {
success: true,
data: validatedData,
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
const fieldErrors = Object.entries(error.formErrors.fieldErrors).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value as string];
return acc;
{} as Record<string, string[]>,
return {
success: false,
error: {
message: "Validation failed",
return {
success: false,
error: {
message: "An unexpected validation error occurred",
Error Boundaries
Global Error Boundary
// src/components/primitives/error-boundary.tsx
export default function ErrorBoundary({
}: {
error: Error & { digest?: string };
resetAction: () => void;
}) {
return (
<Boundary title="Something went wrong." description={error.message}>
<Button type="button" onClick={resetAction}>
Try again
Component Error Boundary
// src/components/ui/suspense-boundary.tsx
interface ErrorBoundaryProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
fallback: React.ReactNode;
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component<
{ hasError: boolean; error: Error | null }
> {
constructor(props: ErrorBoundaryProps) {
this.state = { hasError: false, error: null };
static getDerivedStateFromError(error: Error) {
return { hasError: true, error };
componentDidCatch(error: Error, errorInfo: React.ErrorInfo) {
console.error("Error caught by boundary:", error, errorInfo);
render() {
if (this.state.hasError) {
return this.props.fallback;
return this.props.children;
Error Handling in Server Actions
// Example server action with error handling
"use server"
import { ErrorService } from "@/server/services/error-service";
import { ValidationService } from "@/server/services/validation-service";
import { z } from "zod";
const schema = z.object({
title: z.string().min(1),
content: z.string().optional(),
export async function createPost(data: unknown) {
try {
// Validate input
const result = await ValidationService.validate(schema, data);
if (!result.success) {
return { error: result.error };
// Process validated data
const post = await{
return { data: post };
} catch (error) {
// Handle and standardize error
const appError = ErrorService.handleError(error);
return { error: appError };
Error Handling in Components
"use client"
import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import { toast } from "sonner";
import { createPost } from "@/server/actions/posts";
export function PostForm() {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const handleSubmit = useCallback(async (formData: FormData) => {
try {
const result = await createPost(Object.fromEntries(formData));
if (result.error) {
toast.success("Post created successfully");
} catch (error) {
toast.error("Something went wrong");
} finally {
}, []);
return (
<form action={handleSubmit}>
{/* Form fields */}
Best Practices
Use Error Services
- Use
for standardized error handling - Use
for form and data validation - Always return typed error responses
- Use
Error Boundaries
- Use error boundaries for component-level error handling
- Provide meaningful fallback UIs
- Log errors appropriately
- Always validate input data with Zod schemas
- Return detailed validation errors
- Handle validation errors gracefully in the UI
Server Actions
- Wrap logic in try-catch blocks
- Use service methods for error handling
- Return standardized error responses
Client Components
- Handle loading states
- Show appropriate error messages
- Provide retry mechanisms when appropriate