UI Components

ShipKit UI component library built with Shadcn/UI and Tailwind CSS

UI Components

ShipKit provides a comprehensive UI component library built on top of Shadcn/UI and Tailwind CSS. Our components are designed for accessibility, performance, and developer experience.

Component Categories

Forms & Inputs

  • Input with hover effects
  • OTP input
  • Number input
  • Time input
  • Calendar
  • Form validation
  • Radio group
  • Checkbox
  • Switch


  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • Command palette
  • Navigation menu
  • Sidebar navigation
  • Dock menu
  • Global search
  • User menu


  • Toast notifications (Sonner)
  • Loading indicators
  • Progress bars
  • Skeleton loaders
  • Suspense boundaries


  • Responsive dialog
  • Data tables
  • Cards (3D, Spotlight, Neon)
  • Sheets & Drawers
  • Resizable panels
  • Carousel

Enhanced Components

ShipKit extends the base Shadcn components with additional features and animations:

Interactive Elements

// Rainbow button with hover effect
import { RainbowButton } from "@/components/ui/rainbow-button";

<RainbowButton href="/dashboard">
  Get Started

// Card with 3D hover effect
import { Card3D } from "@/components/ui/card-3d";

<Card3D className="p-6">
  <h3>3D Card</h3>
  <p>Hover to see the effect</p>

// Card with spotlight effect
import { CardSpotlight } from "@/components/ui/card-spotlight";

  <div className="p-4">
    <h3>Spotlight Card</h3>
    <p>Move your mouse to see the spotlight</p>

Text Effects

// Text with sparkles
import { SparklesText } from "@/components/ui/sparkles-text";

  ✨ Magical Text ✨

// Text with fade effect
import { FadeText } from "@/components/ui/fade-text";

  This text will fade in

// Text with hover effect
import { TextHoverEffect } from "@/components/ui/text-hover-effect";

  Hover over me

// Text with generate effect
import { TextGenerateEffect } from "@/components/ui/text-generate-effect";

<TextGenerateEffect words="AI is generating this text" />

Data Display

// Data table with sorting and filtering
import { DataTable } from "@/components/ui/data-table";


// Number ticker animation
import { NumberTicker } from "@/components/ui/number-ticker";


// Animated testimonials
import { AnimatedTestimonials } from "@/components/ui/animated-testimonials";

<AnimatedTestimonials testimonials={[
    text: "Amazing product!",
    author: "John Doe"
]} />

Visual Effects

ShipKit includes various visual effects components:

// Meteor shower effect
import { Meteors } from "@/components/ui/meteors";

<Meteors />

// Animated border beam
import { BorderBeam } from "@/components/ui/border-beam";

<BorderBeam />

// Interactive particles
import { Particles } from "@/components/ui/particles";

<Particles />

// Retro grid background
import { RetroGrid } from "@/components/ui/retro-grid";

<RetroGrid />

// Animated vortex
import { Vortex } from "@/components/ui/vortex";

<Vortex />

// Wavy line animation
import { WavyLine } from "@/components/ui/wavy-line";

<WavyLine />

// Mouse-following spotlight
import { Spotlight } from "@/components/ui/spotlight";

<Spotlight />

// Shooting stars animation
import { ShootingStars } from "@/components/ui/shooting-stars";

<ShootingStars />

// Canvas reveal effect
import { CanvasRevealEffect } from "@/components/ui/canvas-reveal-effect";

<CanvasRevealEffect />

// Dot pattern background
import { DotPattern } from "@/components/ui/dot-pattern";

<DotPattern />

Form Components

Enhanced form components with validation and TypeScript support:

import { Form } from "@/components/ui/form";
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
import * as z from "zod";

const formSchema = z.object({
  email: z.string().email(),
  password: z.string().min(8),

export function LoginForm() {
  const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof formSchema>>({
    resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),

  return (
    <Form {...form}>
      <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} className="space-y-4">
        <Button type="submit" disabled={form.formState.isSubmitting}>
          {form.formState.isSubmitting ? "Loading..." : "Submit"}

Navigation Components

// Global search with command palette
import { GlobalSearch } from "@/components/ui/global-search";

<GlobalSearch />

// Breadcrumb navigation
import { BreadcrumbNav } from "@/components/ui/breadcrumb-nav";

<BreadcrumbNav items={[
  { label: "Home", href: "/" },
  { label: "Dashboard", href: "/dashboard" }
]} />

// Sidebar navigation
import { Sidebar } from "@/components/ui/sidebar";

<Sidebar items={navigationItems} />

Best Practices

  1. Component Organization

    • Keep components in appropriate directories (ui/, forms/, shared/)
    • Use index files for better imports
    • Follow consistent naming conventions
  2. Performance

    • Use dynamic imports for large components
    • Implement proper loading states
    • Optimize animations for performance
    • Use will-change for hardware acceleration
  3. Accessibility

    • Include proper ARIA labels
    • Support keyboard navigation
    • Test with screen readers
    • Maintain proper contrast ratios
  4. State Management

    • Use React Server Components where possible
    • Implement proper loading states
    • Handle errors gracefully
    • Use controlled components when needed
  5. Styling

    • Follow Tailwind CSS conventions
    • Use CSS variables for theming
    • Maintain responsive design
    • Use cn() utility for class merging

Creating Custom Components

To create a new custom component:

  1. Create the component file:
// src/components/ui/my-component.tsx
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { type ComponentProps } from "react";

interface MyComponentProps extends ComponentProps<"div"> {
  variant?: "default" | "secondary";

export function MyComponent({
  variant = "default",
}: MyComponentProps) {
  return (
        "rounded-lg border bg-card p-4 text-card-foreground shadow-sm",
          "bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground": variant === "secondary",
  1. Add proper TypeScript types:
// types.ts
export type MyComponentVariant = "default" | "secondary";

export interface MyComponentProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
  variant?: MyComponentVariant;
  1. Include documentation:
 * MyComponent - A reusable component with variants
 * @example
 * ```tsx
 * <MyComponent variant="secondary">
 *   Content goes here
 * </MyComponent>
 * ```

Component Registry

To add a new Shadcn component:

# Add a single component
pnpm ui:add button

# Add multiple components
pnpm ui:add button card input

# Configure component options
pnpm ui:add table --template=data-table

Next Steps

  1. Component Examples - View component examples
  2. Theming Guide - Learn about customization
  3. Animation Guide - Explore available animations
  4. Form Guide - Build complex forms